Technology improvement is a key concept to follow when you want to
invest. In the stock market, people have to use an expert for a
better choice. Industrial sectors move generally in tandem but a
lag appears among them and it is important to know that.
Managers themselves have to take care because the investment
process is so long that sometimes they cannot pospone their
decisions indefinitly.
Feel free to communicate me some insight information about this.
I think a certain timing is important and building a particular
system of information should be helpful.
Abstract of American Industrial Trend Analysis tries to explain
the variations of different sectors of activity. Investors could
find some help when market timing seems important to them. In each
different industry, managers can benefit from outside help when
they are too closed near the board.
First short-run costs are a big concern. Static economies can
fool around a lot of people. Sometime they forget that we live
in a world where things are not as stable as we might think.
It is always easy to predict short term activities but the longer
you try to put numbers in perspective, the tougher it looks.
New products and high-value finished goods are targets every sector
of activity is looking for. We live in a world with great changing
environmental conditions. Sometime we have to combat natural desasters.
Other time we contribute ourselves to advance as a society. We
progress in dynamic economies and hopefully for the better.
Industrial trend is a complicated subject and I would like to
contribute to approach the concept with a certain form of market
investment timing. If you had taken some kind of information and
would like to share some of it with us, please email some details
or abstract of it and I will try to respond as soon as possible.
Financial outlook follows trend of consumer's buying trend.
Financial output comes and goes depending on projects to develop.
Outlook is good when businesses see optimism in front.
Global Operations
sales to output ratio
Sales to output ratio fluctuation on a faster track.
Economies of scale through inventory level
Higher internal rate of return. Structural change.
Higher selling prices
sector's profit
Higher profit in the sector.
marketing surveys
market opportunity development.
market opportunity development
Market share product differentiation
Matching inventory with sales.
Matching inventory with sales.
higher sales and higher internal rate of return.
Economies of scale through output.
Technology Development
More output sales.
Technology Development
Lower price per output.
Optimum size of a firm
Lower cost per input with more sales.
Higher profit and quality of output.
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